Mental Cruelty, Purgatorium Review


Mental Cruelty, Purgatorium Review 2

Germany is known for their stout engineering and their quality of metal goods. Well it turns out, that is true of their metal bands too! Mental Cruelty is a four-piece modern death metal band that is bringing a fresh fist to the slam metal scene. Their full-length album Purgatorim, under the Rising Nemesis Records label, unleashes eight tracks of brutal slamming death metal that has elements of slamming beatdown and slamcore. But one thing is for certain, slam your fillings down, cause these guys will knock em’ loose and that’s the short of it!


Technical guitar arpeggios that swell throughout the release over driving riffs. A nice variety of vocal sounds from guest vocalists from varied bands: Gamma Sector and Analepsy. Oh, and there are fast-paced shredding guitar riffs, does anything else matter?

Bottom Line:

Death metal with elements of slamming beatdown, slamcore and progressive metal. The songwriting is exceptional, and the use of transitions are spot on. The band brings us the usual driving double-bass drums and intricate drum patterns, with heavy guitar riffs. The added bonuses are the thrown in guitar solos and vocal variety from the guest vocalist. The production is clear and audible. There is a nice balance of guttural vocals and "deathcore" low vocals for a distinguishingly heavy vocal sound, spanning the album. This IS full force slamming brutal death, engineered to split ears and heads alike!

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