The Rungs, Everyday Visions Review
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The Rungs are a Brooklyn, New York based female fronted alt-pop trio that is inspired by the melodic sounds of pop, rock, obscure electronic sounds and world music. The songwriting is thoughtful, the lyrics are poetic, and the melodies are catchy. The Rungs have a new EP out, Everyday Visions. The alternative pop sounds of The Rungs is supported by layered electric guitars and synths, ethereal vocal harmonies and catchy beats. The trio has a way of creating Alternative Pop that lends to other explorations in sound to create a strain of uniquely refreshing pop music. That’s the short of it!
The Rungs have a sound, a hip sound of haunting vocals that lend themselves to a driving synth beat with notable lyrics and punchy guitar.
Bottom Line:
Everyday Visions is filled with great singing synth progression and a pop inspired drum beats, that is ornamented with crafty guitar figures. Mandy Gurung’s vocals are soft, but clear and full of character. The harmonies are interesting and float in and out and all the tracks have solid forms. The lyrics are thought-provoking and tell a story. The songs forms are always interesting and the band does a fine job of varying the sections to build their tracks over time. The Rungs are producing a unique sound that must be heard!