Carolyn Lee Jones, In a Long White Room Review


Carolyn Lee Jones, In a Long White Room Review 2

Vocalist Carolyn Lee Jones debuted on the Dallas jazz scene in 2008. Though her primary career entailed traveling the world for luxury retailers, it was her formative years that would end up being the largest influence on her. She has released three successful CDs on the independent Catn’round Sound, including her latest In a Long White Room. From 2010 through 2015 Carolyn was a principal alto and soloist with The New Collection, a 20-voice a cappella jazz group led by well-known vocal jazz arranger and Professor Emeritus Paris Rutherford of the University of North Texas Vocal Jazz Department. In addition to her regular jazz repertoire, Jones developed, produced, and performed a series of themed Cabaret jazz shows.  Awarded the prestigious Cabaret Artist of The Year 2017 by Sammons Center for The Arts in Dallas, TX.


Jones offers a well-conceived transport to the 60s and 70s with a jazz-pop slant. Her easy on the ears style and delivery make for a delightful listen. The band is engaging and smooth, which fits nicely against Jones style.

Bottom Line:

Though nothing on this album is earth-shatteringly ground breaking, sometimes just a good old fashioned well performed album with superbly selected tunes and up to the task playing by all is worth the price of admission. I recommend this album for anyone who enjoys the poppy side of the 60s and 70s, this is a welcomed album.

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