Luca Francini, New World Review


Luca Francini, New World Review


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Luca Francini is an Italian composer for contemporary media. Francini’s compositions have been featured in trailers, apps, video game promos and commercials.  With a wide range of musical style, Francini’s catalog of songs range from electronic to comedy, but he mainly focuses on cinematic hybrid music, where he blends classical orchestral instruments with synthesizers and sound design to create compositions with elaborate orchestrations. Francini is releasing his first self-released album titled, New World. With eleven tracks that are building cinematic soundscapes that sound natural and have wonderful dynamics.




Francini’s compositions are building and create a wonderful sense of drama and sense of balance between orchestral sounds and electronics.

Bottom Line:

Francini’s orchestral colors are delightfully organic and he has a sense of drama and balance. There are elements of solid feels and beats like in “Epic Apocalyptic” that are cinematic with elements of electronica. “Dark Heart” is a flowing composition with big brass sounds, full orchestra voicings and a steady pulse. The song builds with a developing snare pattern driving behind the string section. The choir sounds are natural and add a dramatic flair. It is easy to hear why Francini has been received with much success and his material is used so widely. Francini’s compositions are rich in the classical tradition along with elements of modern electronica and the addition of female voices and the choir sounds are an excellent touch. That’s the short of it!

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