Knee High Fox, Jawbreaker Review


Knee High Fox, Jawbreaker Review 1

A band that is full of surprises and raw energy, that mixes alternative rock with electronic sounds has released a new full-length album titled, Jawbreaker. The band is Knee High Fox out of Los Angeles CA. the line-up consists of: singer Krsy Fox, bassist Simon Nagel, drummer Harley Dewinter and guitarist Sam Bam Koltun. Together the foursome creates a melodic and unique sound of alternative rock that is full of edgy lyrics and just the right amount of blood and darkness to catch our ears attention. Jawbreaker has a strong influence from the sounds of electronica, with dance beats, rhythmic raps, electronically produced sounds, driving bass lines and electronically effected vocals. The result is eight songs that take the listener on a pure intense ride through unexpected sounds and emotions, but all with a powerful honesty and ear on melody. That’s the short of it!


A fresh mix of sounds from the world of alt rock and electronica that supports Fox’s dynamic singing.

Bottom Line:

Knee High Fox is a band that has pulse outside rebellion, but in a way that brings all the elements of great electronica and alt rock into a focused and cohesive blend of intensity. The lyrics are racy, and the music is based on putting out something different that all congeals perfectly, to give us something creepy, sexy, and weird. Knee High Fox might play coy about writing pop/punk songs, but those elements are in Jawbreaker. Go ahead and bite in, and don’t be surprised if you cut your lip or break a tooth, but you love it!

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