Aaron Taos, Loneliness Review
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Who is Aaron Taos? Well your guess is as good as mine. His website offers no biography and when scouring the internet there is additionally no information. What I could glean, was very little. He is a Brooklyn-based indie artist it seems, inspired by indie rock roots and the current hip-hop and pop landscape. Maybe that’s a part of his mystic, you can fill in the blanks and make up your own fantasy. Taos’ music is accessible pop, that offers memorable lyrics and well-crafted tunes. Taos is releasing his second single, “Loneliness,” from his upcoming project Birthday Boy.
Taos’ voice is believable and heartfelt. His single “Loneliness,” reminds us that life can have its ups and downs, but the relationships around us are the abiding light in our lives.
Bottom Line:
Taos writes in a way that gets the core of the subject matter. His lyrics connect to the listener because they are earnest, and his voice resonates with a silt of masculinity. His James Dean looks don’t hurt either, especially when watching the companion video that accompanies the tune. Taos was involved with the direction of the video. “The depiction of loneliness in the video is pretty clear with me sitting playing guitar by myself, later on fighting between the good and bad thoughts which is a tiresome endeavor (hence me being physically beaten and dragged off). I produced the song and it was mixed by Andrew Sarlo who works a lot with Nick Hakim and Big Thief. I respect those artists a lot and knew he would do a great job of maintaining the gentleness of the track's sonics, states Toas.” The main successful ingredient in this endeavor is Taos voice and the hypnotic state of the lyrics. It sticks to your bones long after the listen and that my friends is the making of a hit song. That’s the short of it.