Tanya Gallagher, One Hand on My Heart Review


Tanya Gallagher, One Hand on My Heart Review


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Vocalist and songwriter, Tanya Gallagher is one of those artists that shines in a right brain, left brain way and the amalgamation of both imagination and clear vision is what makes the music on her new EP, One Hand on My Heart a sheer delight t savor.  By day, the former NASA intern now works for Santa Rosa County as a cartographer.  Her passion for music is also what drives her liquidity and imagination.  Gallagher explains, “When I describe myself as a scientist and a songwriter, I think people immediately assume there must be this right brain-left brain dichotomy between these two passions but for me they’re almost symbiotic. I don’t think I could have one without the other.” Gallagher enlisted the help of veteran producer Daniel Mendez (Noah Gundersen, The Native Sibling, Alexi Murdoch). Together, they crafted the list of tunes form Gallagher’s catalog of over 200 songs.  They chose songs that has a roots-driven honesty to them.  One Hand on My Heart comprised only the first six with a promise of more to come.



Gallagher has a hauntingly beautiful voice; her lyrics draw you into her storied songs and capture your attention with honest admonishments of life’s subtle struggles.

Bottom Line:

Gallagher has a 90s angst about her voice and lyrical approach. With a world filled with electronic reverberations and harmonizers, it’s a refreshing atmospheric experience to hear an honest voice, with even more honest lyrics. The album ranges from heartbreak, to triumph, to self-discovery, certainly subjects we can all relate to. The EP is a culmination of fierce songwriting and introspection. A balance between the Cartographer who combines science, aesthetics, and technique, on the premise that reality can be modeled in ways that communicate spatial information effectively and the artist who takes these spatial comparisons and brings forth art. That’s the short of it!

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