ORKID, Hands Review


ORKID, Hands Review


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ORKID, aka Matilda Melin at only 16, used the Idol stage to transition from performing small town gigs to playing on an international stage. In the next three years, ORKID completed her education, improved her songwriting and stage presence and developed into one of Sweden’s most exciting artist exports. The now 21-year-old lives in Stockholm. Her youthful influences include Nat King Cole and Sam Cooke. It is in these two contrasting influences that ORKID found her inspiration.  manifest in ORKID’s ability to be both on-trend and mature beyond her years. Her latest single “Hands,” is reflective of loss and the pain of enduring.


ORKID’s voice is hauntingly inspired with an awe-inspiring high falsetto at times, reflecting the most fragile emotions of the tune.

Bottom Line:

Winter is upon us; the chill of the season can soak into your bones and turn your emotions to a cavernous place of cold. “Hands,” is a somber mid-tempo ballad that deals with the loss of an unexpected farewell. ORKID is ethereal and melancholy vocally, which suits the lyrical content of the tune. When she sweeps to her falsetto, she exhibits a fragility that will send chills up your spine, while round her bottom notes with commanding resolve, connecting the listener to a myriad of emotional highs and lows. A well-conceived winter tune, that features an artist in top-form. That's the short of it!

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