GRAACE, Self Sabotage Review


GRAACE, Self Sabotage Review



GRAACE is a 21-year-old Australian singer and songwriter the combines melodies and emotional lyrics well beyond her years. GRAACE’s voice is heartfelt and her singing style is capably controlled, and her diction is clear and easy to understand. We get to enjoy that voice through six tracks on her debut EP titled, Self Sabotage. GRAACE has a songwriting style that is confessional in telling a story, making them believable and relatable. The six sounds are grounded in pop influences, the song forms are interesting, and the production is solid. GRAACE is an emerging artist that already shows great promise of originality and sustenance.  That’s the short of it!


GRAACE’S lyrics are uniquely special, they tell a story, and that story could easily be hers, yours or mine. This element is what makes her songs memorable.

Bottom Line:

Australian based vocalist and songwriter GRAACE is making a strong musical statement with her debut EP, Self Sabotage. With her confident singing set to song forms and production that unfold naturally, GRAACE creates a musical setting that is relaxed and to the point. With catchy beats, this piano driven collection of tracks contains robust vocals and tightly woven harmonies that hold musical surprises that will reward a close listen.

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