The baton of Teodor Currentzis brings his extraordinary musical talent to the music of Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6 “Pathétique.” Currentzis has gained a lot of publicity for his opinion and interpretations and depending on where your sympathies lie, you either hate him or love him. Currentzis and his fearless orchestra bring their almost extreme dynamic contrasts of pathos and hysteria, with vast unique phrasing to Tchaikovsky on their album titled, Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6 “Pathétique.” The album should be listened to for the brilliance of the engineering, plus the force and belief of Currentzis’ directing. The Scherzo march on steroids is thrilling, with blaring brass and screaming woodwind, this orchestra brings their energy and attack to convey Currentzis’ style and that’s the short of it!
Currnetzis brings a new concept and execution to the piece, with an unquestionable impact of style and development that is clearly deliberate. Whether you like it or not, it passionate!
Bottom Line:
Currentzis breathes a big breath of fresh air into the classical cannon of symphonic repertoire with Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6 "Pathétique." Immensely energized and full of accomplished players that are both capable of transparent beauty and aggressive edgy sound, coached by their charismatic leader. The dynamic extremes are such that they will grab you by the ears and demand you to listen! This is music by the impassioned for the impassioned, old crusty, old-school rule pushers need not listen! Viva la Passione!