Mirla Riomar, Afrobrasileira Staccatofy Review


Mirla Riomar, Afrobrasileira Staccatofy Review


Mirla Riomar is a vocalist and songwriter of Brazilian origin who lives in Barcelona. Riomar is releasing her debut album, Afrobrasileira, which focuses on music’s ability to transmit Brazil’s ancestry and social roots. The songs are rich in the fusion of the rhythmic roots of Bahia with touches of jazz and soul, as well as the use of effects and small electronic elements to bring in aspects of pop and electronica of today’s music.

Riomar is joined by guitarist Marcel Vallès, co-producer of the album, renowned percussionist Alan Souza, Letieres Leite, Gabriel Grossi, Ivan Sacerdote, Jurandir Santana, and Childo Tomas, among others.

The songs are composed by Riomar and conveyed with her naturally warm vocals in a setting of mainly acoustic instruments with a great variety of percussion instruments adding rhythmic richness. Many of the Brazilian musical rhythms can be heard and are mixed: samba de roda, ijexá, forró, ramunha, maculele, samba, Arrocha, samba de caboclo, etc.

mirla-riomar-staccatofyAfrobrasileira opens with the song “Iworò,” and one can instantly hear the passion and expressive embellishments in Riomar’s warm singing. The music pushes past the well-known Brazilian bossa nova and samba as the ensemble effortlessly combines different Brazilian rhythms to create a moving musical structure.

“Canto do Mar” is one of the many moments where Riomar represents the Brazil of the favelas of African and indigenous descendants, which she carries in her blood, her roots, and origins. Opening with her singing with just the clave before the choir joins, Vallès’ nylon-strung guitar takes us to the groove and song structure.

“Agua Reboliçada” combines Brazilian rhythms with touches of soul and Reggae. Riomar’s voice is playful as male backing vocals add accents through a form that explores multiple rhythms and feels. In addition, Vallès takes an impressive guitar solo on the electric guitar.

Overall, Afrobrasileira presents a unique set of beautifully composed songs with lush vocals and solid performers. Afrobrasileira is marvelous in its sheer breadth of sound, remarkably put together with the many rhythms of Brazilian music by a group that has a deep connection to its heritage and meaning. That’s the short of it!

mirla-riomar-staccatofy-picConnect with Mirla Riomar: Website |


Bottom Line:

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