Ryan Rickenbach, Adelaide Review


Ryan Rickenbach, Adelaide Review


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Ryan Rickenbach is a singer and songwriter based in New York that is crafting his own unique brand of folk. Taking influence from Elliott Smith, Hank Williams and Steely Dan, Rickenbach creates what he calls “cosmic folk.” “Those three always grab me and pull me into their universe completely,” shares Rickenbach. “You’re fully in their perspective when you listen to those songs. That’s what I mean when I talk about cosmic folk.” In fact, Rickenbach proclaims himself as the “little king of cosmic folk.” Rickenbach explains, “It makes people stop and think a bit. I don’t know if I can elaborate beyond cosmic folk being a unique expression of the universal.” And the little king monicker? I was born Ryan, which is Gaelic for ‘Little King’. You can either choose a new name or live up to the one given to you. By forgoing a more traditional path in life in favor of creating music, I feel like I’m meeting that challenge. I’m my own little king, creating my own little cosmos.” Rickenbach is releasing his first single titled “Adelaide” from his upcoming full-length album. “Adelaide” was produced by Richenbach’s longtime collaborator Cass Dillon and the track is accompanied by a stunning music video produced by Phil Sokoloff and Rob Dezendorf.



Rickenbach’s vocal style and lyrics are full of distinctions that pull you in to his cosmic world of delightful music.

Bottom Line:

“Adelaide” is propelled by a gentle strumming guitar, transparent keyboard voicings, sustained bass notes and Rickenbach’s wide vocal range. The lyrics tell the story of one of his dearest friends who quit his job, cashed in his retirement, and embarked on a cross-country journey that ended tragically in a car accident. “His passing was a seminal moment in my life,” says Rickenbach. “He was an extremely intelligent and deeply loyal friend. The word ‘Adelaide’ is a beautiful sounding word to me, one I think aptly represents a paradisiacal hereafter.” The song has a building nature with layers of sounds entering behind Rickenbach’s vocals to build the story and musical setting. The melody is well-crafted and Rickenbach’s falsetto singing is emotive and balanced. The “little king of cosmic folk” has created a stirring sound with “Adelaide,” which sets the stage for more great music with his up-coming album. That’s the short of it!

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