Mike Rathke, The Dawning Fire Review


Mike Rathke, The Dawning Fire Review


Mike Rathke is a Kansas based native singer/songwriter. Like most, appreciation for music came from a homelife influence. Rathke’s background is a bit different than the usual. At age twelve, he left home and drifted from house to house, sleeping on any couch that welcomed him. Upon buying his first acoustic guitar, the light began to flicker. At age nineteen, he became a Christian and found his calling in music. Rathke began leading worship in churches and quietly writing songs of struggle, forgiveness, grace, and redemption and in an effort to express his most in-depth resolution of the journey. He has three self-produced albums, Letters From the FatherSpoken Words and the Word That’s Spoken, and Never Change. Rathke has a new five-song ep, Dawning Fire, set to launch in the summer of 2020. Recorded in Nashville in the summer of 2019, the songs reflect Rathke’s most profound devotion for biblical lyrics swathed in a stylish bed of modern folk music.

[section label=”Positives”] Positives: An honest and inviting sound, Rathke has a truth to his voice that resonates immediately. His warm and organic approach easily conveys his positive light.

[section label=”Bottom Line”] Bottom Line: Rathke recently recorded The Dawning Fire in Nashville with Billy Chapin helming the production. The EP features Russ Pahl on pedal steel, Dave Cohen on keys, Miles McPherson on drums, Tim Marks on bass, and Justin Ostrander on electric guitar. Rathke best explains the meaning behind the new EP, The Dawning Fire is a call to come into fellowship with Christ while the opportunity exists before the Dawning Fire.” Replete with satiated acoustic guitar and the moaning of pedal steel that elevates the emotion of the lyrics. Ostrander and Pahl colorize while Marks and McPherson keep the foundation firmly cemented. Rathke has a warm voice that he is entirely in control of, his restrained beauty gives a pyre of emotion to the proceedings. Rathke has much more coming to the public in 2020, so be on the lookout for more great music.  The Dawning Fire will resonate with the masses; its healing and uplifting power are evident. That’s the short of it!

Connect with Mike Rathke: Website |




Bottom Line:

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