COTE, Meet Me In The Morning Review
Taryn Randall is a Brooklyn-based singer and songwriter that is the mastermind behind COTE, a project that captures an indie-rock feel, creative progressions and a luminous attitude into focus with influences of the song-driven rock tradition. Randall ‘s lyrics cover a wide range of topics, but always bring out emotions that keep the song relatable and interesting. Her latest single from her up-coming debut album, “Meet Me In The Morning” finds Randall’s voice floating over a retro beat with a twist on a 50s rock inspired progression, guitar arpeggio pattern and feel. The song has a diverse form, not the standard no ABAB and repeat format at nauseum here! COTE is a project that is built on prodigious songwriting and the heartfelt singing of Randall. That’s the short of it!
A hook driven song form. Randall has a memorable voice. The song offers a nice variety of instrumentation and the arrangement builds over the course of the track to yield a satisfying listen.
Bottom Line:
COTE has captured what made pop songs lasting in the 50s and 60s, enduring lyrics with additive melodies that lingered long past the listen. With Randall firmly at the helm guiding the effulgent path their cogent sound will travel far.