Alex McArtor, Spoken Word Review


Alex McArtor, “Spoken” Word Review


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Alex McArtor is a sixteen-year-old singer/songwriter who grew up in Austin, Texas and recently moved to Dallas with her family. Alex goes to a boarding school in New Hampshire, where she continues to develop herself as an artist.  Over the last year, Alex wrote and recorded her first album, “Spoken” Word, with Aaron Kelley at AK Songworks in Dallas, Texas. Aaron Kelley has worked with a number of Billboard charting artists from Don Henley to The D.O.C., and Jordan Sparks to Shawn Mullins.


McArtor has a voice beyond her sixteen years on this earth. Filled with seduction and depth her voice resonates with an angst that is a natural talent.

Bottom Line:

Growing up in an era influenced by Amy Winehouse, its rare to find a vocalist that can carry the torch with such authenticity. “Burning Fleeting Love,” accentuates this quality. Whereas “Party’s Over,” takes on a different timber in McArtor’s voice with more of an ethereal keeping. “Are You Alone,” has all the trappings of a 60s rocker. Crunchy guitars and fuzzy accompaniment, with heavy reverb, McArtor’s voice is like a siren in the mist of the night. The EP takes you through different moods and timbres of McArtor’s voice, one thing is clearly apparent, the young emerging artist is well on her way to achieving great success. Producer Kelley has done a great job of showing the many versatile of McArtor, with time in the trenches this young powerhouse will polish like a brilliant diamond. One to watch. That’s the short of it!

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