308 Ghost Train, Santa Bought A Yacht Review


308 Ghost Train, Santa Bought A Yacht Review


308 Ghost Train is a band that has a vintage rock sound and they are putting their unique aura on a new Christmas single called “Santa Bought A Yacht.” 308 GHOST TRAIN is an original rock band from Cortez, Florida. The focus is on putting uplifting and inspiring messages to sounds of classic rock. The band says it is “Message Oriented Rock with a Classic Vibe.” The band was founded by POSI Award-winning songwriter and vocalist Anthony “Train” Caruso. Caruso is a profoundly spiritual musician and pulled the name 308 GHOST TRAIN from the Gospel of John 3:08 (“The wind blows where it pleases, no one knows where it comes from and where it is going but its in everyone born of the Spirit”), the Holy Ghost that moves in Caruso’s heart, and the unstoppable vehicle whose name he carries. His lyrics carry a message of inclusion, spirituality, positivity, hope, and patriotism that our world needs. The band members for the 308 GHOST TRAIN are Anthony “Train” Caruso (vocals), Dave Taylor (bass), Anthony Cucorullo (lead guitar), and Nate Kintner (drums). The band’s first EP, Born In The Wild, started releasing singles on May 24th, 2019 and featured five songs. The 2nd EP Train Of Thought soon followed, and now 308 Ghost Train is bringing us music about Santa retiring with the rockin’ Holiday single, “Santa Bought A Yacht.”

[section label=”Bottom Line”]Bottom Line: “Santa Bought A Yacht” is framed by a classic rock n roll feel with dirty guitars and percussive piano. Caruso’s vocal style has enough of a vintage vibe that it carries the song with style and sincere playfulness. The figures and fills are stylistically colored for the period, and that, along with Kinter’s and Taylor’s solid shuffle feel, makes this a beautiful rock n roll boogie-woogie. Cucorullo’s guitar fills and tone is spot-on. The rise after the bridge adds a sense of development and interest to the song as 308 Ghost Train chugs to the cadence. Overall, “Santa Bought A Yacht” is a fun Holiday selection that is universal in appeal and lyrics. That’s the short of it!

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Bottom Line:

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