Rozette, Fallback Review


Rozette, Fallback Review


Rozette (Jenn Beaupre) is a Calgary, Alberta Canada based singer, songwriter, and vocal coach.  For over a decade, Rozette has impressed audiences and influencers. After winning the Youth Talent Search at the Calgary Stampede in 2003, Rozette impressed the judges at Canadian Idol (Contestant, season 3), the folks at the Moscow Ballet (opening act), and at the 2010 Winter Olympics. For the last decade, as an instructor, Rozette has been aiding fellow artists and students alike with her voice coaching services. She has simultaneously built her vocal coach business and her reputation as an artist. Rozette’s collaboration with writing-partner and producer Mike Schlosser resulted in BITE: an indulgent, summer feminist-anthem which, even having been released during COVID-19, still had listeners streaming. She has recently released a series of “Quarantunes”— parodies of popular songs that address our current condition’s “new normal.” With over 700K views on Facebook alone, Rozette is inspiring people world-wide to hum new meaning into the former hits of Alanis, Celine, Dolly, and more. Rozette is now releasing her second single this year, “Fallback,” an inspiring, potent, emotive, and heartening LGBTQ2+ anthem.

[section label=”Bottom Line”]Bottom Line: “Fallback” is hot off the heels of her first single this year, the sassy “Bite,” which was a self-love anthem. “Fallback” reveals Rozette’s tender side while staying true to her glam, meet grit—shine, meet love musical style, and singing. Rozette speaks about the song, “The first time I heard the rough mix of Fallback in my car, I just turned it up and sobbed. This is exactly the song I wanted to make, and needed to make. Fallback is my tribute to all the people in my life that make the world more colorful. To anyone who has had to fight to be seen and heard – especially the LGBTQ2+ community – this is for you. Shout out to my producer and co-writer of this song for believing in, and really running with my concept.” Starting with a subtle guitar figure and dance beat, Rozette builds her layers. Her range is extensive, showing many colors, but always maintaining a rich timbre. The song form has a solid flow of activity and relaxation. Although the hi-hat pattern borders on generic, the rest of the instrument sounds are solid. Rozette has a powerful singing voice and an energetic projection. That’s the short of it!

rozette-staccatofy-picConnect with Rozette: Website |


Bottom Line:

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