Joanna Wallfisch is a London born singer-song-writer that has crafted a unique sound that combines the lyrics and catchy melodies of pop and folk, with the more technical and colorful sounds of jazz. Wallfisch has a background in classical and jazz music, but chooses to focus on poetic lyricism set to pop/folk inspired rhythmic feels. Blood and Bone is Wallfish’s current album, which contains fourteen of her own compositions and feature Wallfish’s singing and multi-instrumental abilities on: flute, keyboard, and baritone ukulele. Joining her is her New York band: Jesse Elder (piano), Pablo Menares (bass), Kenneth Salters (drums), Elias Meister (guitar), Jared Engel (banjo), and The Solar String Quartet. The album is full of surprise, well-written tunes, excellently sung and played. The tunes inspire, that’s the short of it!
Solid songwriting, colorful and creative orchestrations and vocal harmonies, and a beautiful blend of musical feels and styles.
Bottom Line:
Wallfisch’s songwriting is economical, yet effective, she offers lyrics that create emotions and visions that are conveyed with hip melodies over interesting feels through unique song forms. Wallfisch’s vocal quality is warm and her technical abilities are spot-on. Wallfisch’s lyrics are poignant, original, and emotive. Blood and Bone is an uplifting creative listen that will find a home in your heart and playlist!