BRVTHR, Rebuild You Review


BRVTHR, Rebuild You Review


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The duet called BRVTHR focuses on songwriting and production. The duet believes in their work as a whole, some much, that they want to highlight the music, which is the product of their creativity, rather than the identity of the creators. Their writing style is heavily entrenched in pop sensibilities, but BRVTHR does not limit their creative source from any one genre or sound and strive to experiment with the creative process versus the limitations of genres. The duet reveals in subtleties, and dark undertones, creating songs under the veil of obscurity that is “Dark Pop Music.” BRVTHR is releasing a single titled, “Rebuild You.” BRVTHR lets the music do the talking and I think you are going to like what you hear this duet saying. That’s the short of it!


A wonderful production of acoustic and electronic instruments. Great singing, with an impressive range in the melody

Bottom Line:

BRVTHR is a duet that is creating music from a space that lets the creative imagination run wild. With a strong male vocalist singing a well-constructed melody, the two layer in guitar parts, piano, swelling keyboards, bass and drums. The song form has a clear road map and the duet builds each section with refinements and musical themes. The lyrics are wonderfully constructed. The lead vocals make good use of glissandos into notes for added emotion impact. The range of the melody is also impressive. The falsetto is very strong and singing with the instruments in the bridge is very nice. The song form builds nicely and the addition of the vocal harmonies in the latter third is very impactful. BRVTHR is creative, we may not know who they are, but we know how to find their music. Undoubtedly, you’ll want to add their music to your playlist and follow for all future releases.

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