Blake Rose, Heavy Shit Review


Blake Rose, Heavy Shit Review


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Blake Rose spent his formative years growing up in Perth, Australia. His beginnings with the didgeridoo was the gateway to exploration with music. By at twelve he was a self-taught guitarist. The real epiphany began with GarageBand and Pro Tools giving way to Rose’s desire to create a song from the ground up.  He was accepted into a program World Challenge, but the price tag would soon find Rose taking to the streets of Perth giving busking a shot. It was through this experience Rose honed his skills and more importantly his love of live performance.

Blake Rose may only be three releases deep, but he is a name you’re going to want to keep an eye on.  His latest single “Heavy Shit,” finds Rose confessing his inner demons.



His heavenly vocal style, resonates with memorable melodies that float atop his confessional lyrics.

Bottom Line:

Pouring his innermost avowed feelings. Rose exposes his “Heavy Shit,” he explains “A real testament to ones' personal battles and the defeat that comes with holding on to the 'shit' we're constantly inundated with.” After one listen its easy to see why Rose has won hearts across the globe. His sweetly flavored vocals drip with sincerity as does is boyish looks. This young talent is on the move, recently making it on Taylor Swift's "Playlist by ME!" on Apple Music. His star is set to blast off. That’s the short of it!

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