Wanderlust, When in Rome Review


Wanderlust, When in Rome Review


Wanderlust is an Australian contemporary jazz band led by trumpeter Miroslav Bukovsky that formed in 1991. Bukovsky is a distinguished jazz trumpeter that was one of the founders of the renowned Jazz ensemble, the Ten Part Invention (TPI), along with Roger Frampton and John Pochee. He has performed with the Free Boppers, the KMA Orchestra, and the Australian Art Orchestra. He has led the award-winning ensemble Wunderlust for many years and remains active composing and performing with them and TPI. Wanderlust is Acoustic Bass – Adam Armstrong, Drums – Fabian Hevia, Piano, Keyboards – Alister Spence, Trombone, Didgeridoo – James Greening, and Trumpet, Flugelhorn – Miroslav Bukovsky. Wunderlust is releasing a new album titled When in Rome.

[section label=”Positives”] Positives: A beautiful mix of styles, instrumentation, written and improvised sections, and all presented in the modern language of jazz with deep roots in the jazz tradition.

[section label=”Bottom Line”] Bottom Line:  When in Rome is six tracks of well-written compositions. The ensemble is imaginative and full of energy. Joe Tawadros sets in on “Dakar,” “MDD,” and “Pressure makes Diamonds” on oud. Joined by Armstrong, the two give a stirring four-and-a-half-minute intro in “Dakar” before the ensemble joins with a hip groove. The album was recorded live at Villa Celimontana, Italy, on 3 July 2004. The energy of the crowd and band can be felt. “Samba Nova” and “Bonte Café” both are an adventure in Latin jazz. Greening and Bukovshy turn in outstanding solos on these tunes. “Delicatessence” is a beautiful ballad with a muted trumpet and a flowing harmonic progression. “MDD” closes the set with an exotic middle eastern jazz-flavored ballad. Bukovsky is a beautifully toned trumpet player with a language and style that is unique while still being grounded in the jazz canon. That’s the short of it!

wanderlust-staccatofy-picConnect with Wanderlust: Website |

Bottom Line:

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