Pat Battstone Quintet, Elements Review


Pat Battstone Quintet, Elements Review 2

Patrick Battstone is a pianist that creates music in the now. Battstone has a large and diverse discography that is full of creative music, but most importantly, the majority of it is performed in the moment, with nothing to guide him but the sounds stimulating his consciousness at the moment and an inner desire to let that moment speak for itself through the music. For his latest project, the pianist brings us, the Pat Battstone Sextet to create a collective improvisation, a community creation called, Elements. The sextet is comprised of: Battstone -piano and percussion, Marialuisa Capurso – vocals, bells, aluminum panel, music box, ocarina and electronics, Adolfo LA Volpe – live electronics and guitar, Mariasole De Pascali – flute, alto flute, and piccolo Francesco Massaro – alto sax, bass clarinet, G clarinet, and pataphysical devices, and Giacomo Mongelli – drums and percussion. The music created by the sextet is improvised and in the moment, like a good conversation between friends, everything is spontaneous, including the notes and sounds played, as well as the silence. The magic of this recording is the intense listening the group is capable of; each sound is built upon to create something that is completely original and could of only been created with no preconceived constraints. Pure musical magic, and that’s the short of it!


A refreshing and creative approach to the music making process. The sextet together created this album in three spontaneous twenty and thirty-minute sets with breaks in between. The result is a building energy that can be perceived, the group is a study in tapping into the art of improvisation in the moment. The sounds build on the primitive, spiritual, roots of sound creation, to express feeling and emphasis in a collective improvisation.

Bottom Line:

Battstone’s Elements builds upon the avant-garde jazz tradition to create a group conversation that is totally “free” and in the moment. By removing all dependence on chord progressions, preconceived rhythmic structures and tonality, the group converses between themselves to create sound paintings that are poly-thematic, poly-tonal and poly-rhythmic structures that can only be created in the NOW. The power of the now is captured on Elements, a musical journey to musical enlightenment.

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