Gerhard Daum, Songs Without Words Review
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Gerhard Daum is an award-winning composer that writes scores for US and European films and TV shows. His musical style successfully blending the musical spirit of the two continents to create a fresh and unique voice. Daum has a large list of Films & TV, Documentaries & Image films, and Games & Commercials that have featured his music. Daum has a new project that is contemporary instrumental music for electric guitar. An unconventional musical vision that combines Jazz, classical and electronic composing and performing styles. Instrumental music which brings different cultures together and connects with them to decelerate our hectic and noisy world. The album is titled, Songs Without Words and contains twelve original compositions performed and composed by Daum.
There is a wonderful variety of sounds, tempos, instrumentation and feels across the twelve selections.
Bottom Line:
Daum is a composer that focuses on creating clear melodies in a music setting that is full and entertaining. His guitar playing is solid throughout the album and he displays a wide range of techniques and playing styles. “Berlin Song” makes good use of the whammy bar for expressive purposes ala Jeff Beck. The acoustic guitar playing on “Talking Softly” is relaxed and has a solid jazz influence and the use of octaves. The backing sounds are full, with rich keyboards, bass, percussion and drums providing many layers for Daum’s melodies. Overall, Songs Without Words is a collection of tunes the are relaxing and deep with melodic substance. Daum’s composing, playing and improvisations are all highly musical and melodic. So, sit back, relax and let Songs Without Words take you to a musical space away from the noisy world. That’s the short of it!