Anson Wright, Only Love Review


Anson Wright, Only Love Review


Guitarist Anson Wright has lived a varied life, all centered around the pursuit of study and excellence. A graduate of Princeton, Wright left his post-graduate studies at Columbia to pursue his creative endeavors. A published novelist (Jericho) Wright has always pushed his abilities to a depth of inclination. Studying under the tutelage of legendary jazz guitarist Howard Roberts. Later, teachers on the West Coast included John Stowell and Jerry Hahn, as well as Charlie Parker protege Bob Newman and veteran pianist Harry Gillgam, Wright developed an articulate fingerstyle. His discography comprises State of Grace and Ukiah’s Lullaby, and now Only Love. Joined by Jasnam Daya Singh, also known by his stage name Weber Iago on piano, Brian Casey on bass and Todd Scott Bishop on drums.

[section label= “Positives”] Positives: Wright has a dexterity in his playing that is fluid and warming. The responsiveness of the ensemble is sympathetic and reactive, as each note draws a sense of beauty and grace into the sonic fabric.

[section label= “Bottom Line”] Bottom Line: An album comprised of seven compositions by Anson Wright, with two contributions by Jasnam Daya Singh. Together as a core unit, the ensemble weaves its way through the bluesy “Rahway Blues” that offers a swinging feel with harmonic complexities that creates tension and release. Or the jocularity of “Solstice” and the promise of a changing season. The adroit “All Shall Rise To Thee,” offers modernity in tone, with a tenderness of introspection that transcends. Each composition adds to the depth of the album story in its entirety. The love depicted in the album is that of the convergence of utter refinement and grace. Love and Only Love. That’s the short of it!

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Bottom Line:

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