Reggie Got Beats, Fascination Review


Reggie Got Beats, Fascination feat Vebjørn Mamen Review


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Reggie Got Beats is a producer, DJ, drummer and songwriter from Norway hailing from Trondheim.  He cuts his teeth on creating disco music. Whether boogie, pop or house Reggie’s playful and jovial style offers a danceable beat. After releasing his first singles during the summer of 2015 he had been signed to Diskorama and NDYD Records, was awarded “Talent of the Year” by Funk Felicity with Radio Nova marking his song “Jealousy” as one of Norway’s best electronic releases of 2015. On “Fascination,” Reggie Got Beats teams up with fellow Norwegian vocalist and multi-instrumentalist Vebjørn Mamen for a funktastic, soul-tinged pop listen.  Released on Sidekick Music, “Fascination” with have you singing and dance from the first measure.



With guitar solo reminiscent of George Benson and the soulful voice of Vebjørn Mamen, “Fascination,” is a smash hit.

Bottom Line:

"Fascination" is a soul bounce, funky tune that will get that boo thang moving. The tune was written specifically about Norwegian chess world champion Magnus Carlsen´s 2013 championship match vs. Vishvanathan Anand. Reggie Got Beats explains, “It was about his obsession, dedication and overcoming the challenge of beating Anand. You can say ‘Fascination’ is about passion, and the challenges you meet trying to reach the top in whatever you´re passionate about.” That same spirit carries over to “Facination,” the single, his warm production and creative vintage vibe on this track raised the bar in electronic production and dusty grooves. That’s the short of it!

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