Vocalist Jordan Smith is from Harlan, KY and the winner of Season nine of NBC’s The Voice. Smith’s debut album, Something Beautiful (2016) debuted at No. 2 in sales in the iTunes Store, and took the top spot on March 22. For Smith’s third studio album, Only Love on Republic Records, he brings his powerful and confident singing albites to twelve tracks. Smith also co-wrote six of the tracks on the album which shows his talent runs through his pen with as much grace and control as his voice. The material on Only Love is an outstanding mix of styles and emotions that allow Smith to do what he does best and that is sing in a way that connects listeners to the songs emotional core with a voice that is astonishing and technically brilliant. That’s the short of it!
Smith used Grammy award-winning hit-maker RedOne as the producer, who has worked with global music stars Lady Gaga and Nicki Minaj. The instrumentation and music surrounding Smith’s voice is balanced, full and supportive of the vocal lines. Smith’s lyrics and songwriting skills are also of note.
Bottom Line:
Jordan Smith’s second album, Only Love is a brilliant collection of tunes that display Smith’s powerful vocal abilities through many emotions and styles. Smith continues to reveal the diversity in which his vocal style can excel. Smith’s control of his voice through his vast range and his creative phrasing and embellishments hit the heart of every melody and let me resoundingly say it is incredible. The music is positive and highlights the many strengths of Smith through all twelve tracks in a way that will keep you coming back again and again. I wish all pop albums had vocals this strong, this young vocalist is that once in a generation singer. One I hope to hear much more of.